
Cloudflare Integration

Connect your Cloudflare account to DNS Check and monitor your DNS records.


  • A Cloudflare account with at least one domain
  • API token with the following permissions:
    • Zone:Read (to list domains)
    • DNS:Read (to read DNS records)

Creating an API Token

  1. Log in to Cloudflare

    Visit Cloudflare's API Tokens page and log in to your account.

  2. Create a new token

    Click the "Create Token" button and select "Create Custom Token".

    Creating a new Cloudflare API token
    Selecting Custom token
  3. Configure permissions

    Set up the following permissions:

    • Zone - Zone - Read
    • Zone - DNS - Read
    Setting up token permissions
  4. Set token name and expiration

    Give your token a descriptive name (e.g., "DNS Check Integration") and optionally set an expiration date.

  5. Create token

    Click "Create Token" and copy the token value. Make sure to save it somewhere safe - you won't be able to see it again!

Connecting to DNS Check

  1. Add Cloudflare integration

    In DNS Check, go to Settings > Integrations and click "Add Cloudflare".

  2. Enter API token

    Paste your Cloudflare API token and click "Connect".

  3. Select domains

    Choose which domains you want to monitor. DNS Check will automatically detect all available domains in your account.

Monitoring DNS Records

Once connected, DNS Check will:

  • Automatically detect all DNS records for your selected domains
  • Monitor for any changes to these records
  • Alert you when changes are detected
  • Keep a history of all changes for future reference

Security Note

DNS Check only requires read permissions and cannot make any changes to your DNS records. We recommend creating a dedicated API token with minimal permissions for security best practices.


Common Issues

  • "Unable to list zones"

    This usually means the API token doesn't have the correct Zone:Read permissions. Double-check the token permissions in Cloudflare.

  • "Unable to fetch DNS records"

    Verify that the API token has DNS:Read permissions for the zones you're trying to monitor.

Need help?

Our support team is here to help you get set up. Contact us if you have any questions.